Friday, January 24, 2014

A moment of silence and awe for PSN J09554214+6940260 - MaeLinh Fatum

When stars die, they go out with a bang!  According to, a supernova is "the explosion of a star, possibly caused by gravitational collapse, during which the star's luminosity increases by as much as 20 magnitudes and most of the star's mass is blown away at very high velocity, sometimes leaving behind an extremely dense core."  Basically it is the death of a star.  Recently one such explosion happened close enough to Earth, that our scientists can see it and study it.  It is because of these stellar explosions that various elements are spread through the universe, even the elements that make up you!  Whenever you are feeling down, remember you are made of star stuff!

Read this article for more information about supernova PSN J09554214+6940260

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