Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New or Veteran Teachers - Revisit your trusty Toolbox - Liz Hegarty

As I browsed my latest copy of the NSTA Reports (January 2014), I came across an article on page 15 entitled Teaching Strategies. I glanced over and thought this would be great for a beginning teacher.  The article comments on chapter 7 of "Rise and Shine" an NSTA publication. By: Linda Froschauer and Mary L. Bigelow

As I read the article in more detail, I realized that even a veteran teacher could benefit from a reminder of good teaching practices. Students should be engaged and motivated  each and every lesson. When you may not be feeling on form yourself, that can be difficult to achieve.  A new semester is a perfect time to make some changes. I decided to go back to grassroots and re-evaluate my strategies. I'll take another look into my own personal toolbox, developed over the the years, what can I add, take out, replace?  The article reminded me of how much I had forgotten!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading the article you found, Liz. From the perspective of a new teacher, motivating students has been one of the most challenging yet rewarding aspects of the classroom I've experienced thus far. The article touched upon some key components that I have been trying to find the right balance between--providing enough scaffolding and modeling to spark students' confidence while still providing assignments with enough rigor to challenge what they have already learned.

    I have the article hanging behind my desk. I think it will serve as a helpful reminder/motivator of "good" teaching practices as the semester progresses! :)


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